He said "Every Friday when I am back at home, my constituents are saying to me, okay, while we are giving a lot of this money where are the results, what are we achieving. And that's why I am here to see for myself exactly what we are achieving. I would certainly report back that on water and sanitation there are really results."
Stephen O'Brien
It is encouraging to have someone with access to Ministers in the Government of Sierra Leone reporting back in a very positive way on the new free health initiative and sanitation. All issues on which our teams have shown an interest.On the free healthcare initiative, he said "enormous progress has been made since my last visit.
The first year of the initiative has seen a doubling of consultations for under-fives (children) and 40,000 women delivering safely in health facilities.
Sierra Leone is a country with massive potential and I am pleased to see how innovative approaches like the free health care initiative are demonstrating real results in improving people's lives."
It is also good to hear that he was "heartened and encouraged" by a determination to stamp out corruption in
the country.