Friday, 23 October 2009

A school is built

It was in 1999, after several years of writing to my penfriend, Alpha, and having helped him to get established in life, I was asked to aid him and his community at Looking Town, on the edge of Freetown the capital.  The area had been devastated in the rebel attack on Freetown of the 6th January, 1999. Thousands of people were killed and homes burnt to the ground. Women and girls had been raped. Children and young people had been conscripted as fighters in the rebel cause. Hundreds of people had limbs amputated.  On the 23rd March,  a group of Christians in the community decided to start a programme for both the residents and the many people who had fled to the area as a result of the civil war and had been caught up in the attack.  The children, some of whom had lost parents in the fighting, were roaming around with no hope, future or direction. The Chief and elders in the community believed that education was the answer. With the help of friends in Community Church Derby we were able to buy a plot of land and to start erecting a school.

Building started on this site with a commanding view over Kissy and across the estuary. At first the school for primary age children was housed in very unstable buildings, but gradually the new school took shape. The children helped in the building work and the great day arrived when everything was ready and the children could carry their desks and chairs to the new accommodation.

Moving day to the new school

What a fine building they have erected. It now houses two schools. The New Era Primary School meets there in the morning and the Junior Secondary School in the afternoon. Alpha Kargbo has done a good job as the Education and Development co-ordinator.  The number of pupils in the Primary School is now 409.  The Secondary School started in September 2008 with 50 pupils and has now nearly doubled in size. Foundations are in place for a second classroom block which urgently needs funds for early completion. Our funding comes mainly from those who sponsor children, as well as events and gifts from a number of Trusts. We are very grateful to all our supporters. If you would like further information or wish to support the work, please contact the UK Co-ordinator, Ted Swindale on

The first classroom block, currently home to both schools

A Class in the new Secondary School

Some of the youngest starting their life's journey!

The foundations of our second classroom block taken from the steps of the first.
The building will have an office/library as well as classrooms for the Junior Secondary School. It will also be used for vocational studies such as soap making, gara tie-dying, tailoring, catering and carpentry. Currently much of this has been done in the open-air, but this is not possible in the lengthy rainy season.

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