Sunday, 8 November 2009

New Building - The Urgent need!

The plan for the new building, which is to house an admin centre including a library, and classrooms which will be used for the Secondary School and, out of school hours, the vocational studies students.

Desperately needed because

Due to the good academic and moral ethos of the school many parents want their children to go. The Staff see the need and want to help. Extra space is urgently needed.

The Primary and Secondary Schools, using the same building on a rota system, creates a difficult situation which does not help learning.Vocational studies students have nowhere to go during the rainy season when they cannot work outside.

There is no other Vocational Training Centre in the area, which is one of the poorest and depressed in Freetown.

Primary occupations are gardening, charcoal burning and collecting firewood none of which generate a steady income. Most houses in Looking Town have leaking roofs and poor or no toilet facilities.

Many parents are poverty stricken. Many families have only one meal a day. Their children become the breadwinners and are exposed to moral and physical danger. For economic reasons many young girls are forced into either an early marriage or prostitution.

Schooling and vocational training give hope and are essential to lift people out of poverty.

Some pictures of vocational students at work

Vocational students are doing fine in the sun, rain is a different matter.

Sewing machines outside - impossible if it is wet!

Carpentry training. Making desks and benches for the school

Phase One the Foundations is already done.

This is the present state of the building work

Phase Two    The Super structure, the walls, supporting columns and beams is costed at £1655.

Phase Three   Roofing is estimated to cost  £1982.

Phase Four     Completion - finishing and plastering, the ceiling, windows and doors, and painting at a cost of £6461.

Total cost is just over £10,000

The season for building, the dry season is starting around the end of November and continues to late May.  When the team goes out in March it would be great to see it all taking shape.

Anyone wishing to give a donation (which can now be gift aided) or to help in fund-raising please contact us. details below.

Any Able Bodied Men who would like to come to either help with physical work in the healthcare sector, e.g. building pit latrines, if this is identified as a need, or with the new school building, would be most welcome.

Further details from  or on 0800 9707571

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