Monday, 18 February 2013

Alpha to head New Era Evengelism and Development Programme

Samuel Kargbo has written to tell me that he has resigned as Director of the New Era Evangelism and Development Programme (NEEDEP) and will formally hand over to Alpha Kargbo on the 28th of February. The NEEDEP chairman has been duly informed together with all other members of the NEEDEP family.

Alpha (left) presenting certificate to graduating New Era School pupil.

Samuel's resignation will allow him to be more focused on the church and some personal commitments. The decision will also allow Alpha to be more committed and to move forward with the organization. Alpha was the first director of NEEDEP but the constitution only allowed him to hold office for five years. He continues as Head Teacher at the school.

Alpha told me on the phone yesterday (Sun 17th) that a local Radio Station in Freetown has just named him “Community Activist of the Year 2013”.

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