Monday, 18 April 2016

Our Building Challenges - but God is with us!

The community is extending their school accommodation in view of the increased number of pupils wishing to be taught at the New Era Community Schools. They have now started a government approved Senior Secondary School and this has meant extending the present building.

Pupils of the Senior Secondary School.

Gables are being put on this week and the amount we have sent so far has paid for this and for much of the corrugated sheeting that will form the roof. I am now looking for a further £1000 at this time to finish this work and go towards plastering,  painting, doors and door handles, steel windows and bars. My faith is for a bit at a time!

All the pillars are in place for the gables to go on this Wednesday 20.03.16

If you are a praying type, please pray for this money and future amounts to arrive at the right time (we need the roof to be secure soon before the rainy season starts in three or four weeks). If you wish to contribute please contact me, so I can send you details of how to do so,

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